Distribution of dry spells and their impact on corn, cowpea, and sorghum crops in the Microregion of Pau dos Ferros/RN
Rainy quadrimester, Rainfed agriculture, Agricultural losses, DroughtAbstract
In the context of the Brazilian Semiarid region, the occurrence of dry spells can have significant consequences in environmental, social, and economic aspects, particularly for rainfed agriculture. Therefore, considering the location of the Pau dos Ferros microrregion and the economic relevance of its rainfed crop production for the state of Rio Grande do Norte, this study aims to present the distribution of dry spells in this area and their impact on maize, cowpea, and sorghum crops. To achieve this, based on a bibliographical and documentary survey regarding the topic, pluviometric data from stations installed in each municipality, and the water demands of each crop, analyses of the average accumulated rainfall during the rainy quadrimester in the microrregion indicated that the studied municipalities have an adequate availability of rainfall volume for maize, cowpea, and sorghum crops. However, the northern, southern, and western areas may be more susceptible to agricultural losses due to more frequent occurrences of type B and C dry spells. Consequently, there is a need for complementary studies associated with other climatological, pedological, and crop physiology factors to provide support for safer rainfed agricultural production in this area.
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