Aukus e os Possíveis Desdobramentos no Sistema Geográfico Malvinas, Antártida e Atlântico Sul
The present work aims to analyze the (possible) impacts of the constitution of the Aukus deal on the Falklands, Antarctica and South Atlantic System (SMAAS). In order to do that, this study has been divided into two major parts. In the first, Aukus (2021) is presented, and the British presence in the modern world system is addressed. Next, the possible implications of Aukus for SMAAS geographical setting are exposed. It is hypothesized that, at the same time that Aukus is a strategy to contain Chinese action in the Indo-Pacific, it also evidences the strengthening of the British action in SMAAS, thus representing developments in the Anglo-South American conflict. To carry out this study, a literature review of authors in the area of Political Geography and reading of official documents were used.
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