Landforms Compartmentalization in Uruguay with Use of Geomorphons Obtained in Automated Classification
This research aimed to carry out a classification and zoning of Uruguay relief considering the association and dominance of certain relief elements, defined as geomorphons, that can be represented by 10 most common elements: flat, peak, ridge, shoulder, spur, slope, hollow, footslope, valley, and pit. For the processing on DEM and generation of geomorphons, it was used an online application. This requires a set of raster data and two scalar values such as free parameters. The input file for scanning is an MDE and two free parameters are lookup L (distance in meters or cell units) and threshold t (leveling in degrees). To the free parameters was applied L value of 20 pixels (1,800 meters) and t equal to 2 degrees. The predominance relationship and the location between the geomorphons elements allowed to divide Uruguay into eleven relief compartments, regionally called Lagoa Mirim; Rio Negro, Santa Lucia; Cucchilla Dayman; Durazno; Tacuarembó; Great Inferior Cucchilla; Haedo's Cucchilla; Large Cucchila; Isla Cristalina de Rivera and; Cerro Catedral. Uruguay is characterized by a relief with large flat areas. The relevant characteristics identified are consistent with the cartographic history performed in Uruguay and was very efficient in the delimitation of different landforms with distinct and peculiar features.
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