Geography and hermeneutics: Ibn Khaldun, for love of Magreb
Geographical thinking, Orientalof geography, Ontology, Circularity.Abstract
Towards the understanding of the Maghreb Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) and his work "The Prolegômenos" were built,by phenomenological-hermeneutic and hermeneutic-phenomenological perspectives, bases for the circularity between being, world and work.Thus, in view of a hermeneutic Geography, through hermeneutic circles, the author's opening was woven by theworld-in-the-being and being-in-the-world and also of work by the world-of-the-work and as a work-of-the-world.With this, he nodded, through geographicality and historicity, the context of experiality. It opens, therefore, from khaldunian geographical existence to the fervent work of geographical, social, economic and historical themes. In this work, he focused mainly on his epistemic in view of the natural and human geographical perspectives present and reverberated. Above all, the opening of both the Assabiya category, sociability and the concept of umran, society, are prospect. It penetrates, therefore, in an unenviable experience traveler and toil to the while listening to a long and generous voice.
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