Fieldwork and environmental awareness: importance and benefits of urban arborization
Afforestation, Environmental education, Teaching, Fieldwork.Abstract
Fieldwork can enable a reunion between school and the world of life, promoting not only redefinition and contextualization of didactic contents worked in the classroom, but also sensitizing to other perspectives and reflections on the urban or rural landscape, in addition to providing opportunities initiation to scientific research in basic education. Given the above, the objective was to assess the importance of fieldwork with students from the 3rd grade of high school, in order to integrate scientific discussions on urbanization and urban planning. And, for this, we had the collaboration of students from the 3rd grade of high school, school year 2019, from Colégio Estadual do Campo de Castro Alves. It was found that in all the studied squares, urban afforestation positively influenced in the regulation of local temperature and relative humidity, creating a pleasant microenvironment for people who enjoy these spaces. Field practice, combining geographical and biological knowledge for Environmental Education, proved to be effective in promoting knowledge and acquirements about urban planning and environmental conservation in cities, in which it was possible to sensitize students about the importance of afforestation for thermal comfort and quality of life.Downloads
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