The spatial diffusion of COVID-19 in Brazil: the Northeast Macro-region and the influence of cities
COVID-19, Spatial diffusion, Cities, Brazilian northeast.Abstract
Inserted in the context of the global health crisis, caused by the dissemination of COVID-19, Brazil recorded an exponential increase in contamination and deaths. The spatial spread of the virus has a direct association with the urban network, due to spatial relationships and the flow of people, and is particularized based on the territorial division of labor, government actions and regional specificities. From this perspective, using a deductive approach, the spatial diffusion process of COVID-19 in Northeast Brazil is analyzed, based on data on the number of accumulated cases and the number of deaths, in the period from March 1st to August 20th 2020, in the northeastern urban network from the regions of influence in the cities. The observed observations are associated with the spatial interactions of the main municipal, regional and state centers of influence as well as the particularities of the city-region logic of this segment of the urban network in the Northeast. These particularities point to a complex position of COVID-19 diffusion process in northeastern Brazil, as spatial articulations and structures (roads, airports, railways, economy, population, etc.) within an immense macro-region interfere to a greater or lesser extent in the spread of contagion in that region.Downloads
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