Geotourism in conservation units: potentialities of the Parque Estadual do Cânion do Rio Poti, Buriti dos Montes, Piauí - Brazil
Geodiversity, Geotourism activity, Protected area.Abstract
Geotourism presents itself as a strategy of geoconservation, a new trend in terms of tourism in natural areas that has come to fill a gap in ecotourism, giving attention to the abiotic aspects of the landscape. Considering this scenario, the current article aims to present the potentialities of the Parque Estadual do Cânion do Rio Poti for the practice of geotourism. The methodology was based on bibliographic survey and field inspection for identification and characterization of the area from the filling of an inventory sheet proposed by Oliveira (2015). One concludes that it is undeniable the richness and potential of the Parque Estadual do Cânion do Rio Poti, located in the municipality of Buriti dos Montes, Piauí State. In general, it was verified, from the proposed methodology, the great potential, especially in the tourist bias with the didactic-scientific exploration. The identified sites reveal beauty with distinct characteristics that enable the understanding of the geology and geomorphology of the area. Thus, it is necessary, before anything else, to proceed with tourism planning and create public policies that regulate the activity, especially when dealing with Conservation Units. Only then it will be possible to head in the direction of a sustainable tourism and achieve one of the main purposes of geotourism, which is geoconservation.Downloads
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