Antivalue (still) as a possibility: public fund and the production of space
Antivalue, Public fund, Geographical space.Abstract
This article discusses how it is possible to think about the dynamics of geographic space through theorizations about the public fund as antivalue. More precisely, it is argued that this is a possibility for promoting alternative uses of territory and geographic objects. That is: uses that are not directly aligned with the automatisms of the value form, and that can be decided through the political arena, stage of disputes and social struggles. Therefore, discussions relevant to the theme of public funds are described here, based mainly on the contributions of Francisco de Oliveira, in addition to more recent developments in this debate. Also, there is recourse to the description of modern monetary theory to indicate the relative autonomy of the public budget, which highlights the potential of the public fund as a breach for promoting a principle of sociability alternative to the law of valuation. Finally, it is argued that, despite the fact that the present situation poses countless obstacles to the antivalue reform path, the public fund remains an arena worthy of being disputed, at the risk of its continued capture by private interests.Downloads
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