The concept of state: possibilities of appreciation from the perspective of geographic science
State, Geography, Concept, Time, Space.Abstract
Defining the concept of State, at first, would be an apparently simple perspective, but it is a complex, dynamic and possibly indistinct task. When we enter the scope of Geography, the perspectives are such definition are also recurrent, since there are some fundamental concepts of this science that are intrinsically related to the dynamics of the State. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present a succinct and preambular conceptual discussion about what is the State, what is its possible purpose in contemporaneity, as well as how the concept is approached in the field of Geographical science, especially over time, although there is also a relationship with space. Therefore, we base ourselves on bibliographical and documental research in works of Geography and other areas related to the subject. Finally, it was clear that it is not possible to define a global definition for the concept of State, whether in Geography or beyond. However, such perspectives of understanding the concept presented in this work, although different, are fundamental for the construction of a notion of State for any individual participating in a society, as well as for the development of research in Geography, requiring further developments when necessary.Downloads
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