From the Agricultural Border to the Forest Agribusiness Territories: advances in eucalyptus forestry over family farming in the municipalities of São Francisco do Brejão and João Lisboa, Maranhão, Brazil
Eucalyptus forestry, Family farming, São Francisco do Brejão, João Lisboa.Abstract
This article aims to understand the transformations resulting from the process of expansion of Eucalyptus forestry over family farming territories in the municipalities of São Francisco do Brejão and João Lisboa, in the state of Maranhão. Methodologically, it uses primary data obtained through field work, such as location of eucalyptus farms via GPS, field visits to create photographic collections and interviews with farmers from local communities, settlements and small rural properties. Secondary data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform and production reports from Suzano Papel e Celulose were used to produce graphs and maps. The graphs show the historical series of charcoal production in Maranhão, the extent of the areas destined to the Eucalyptus forestry, the agricultural production of the municipalities studied, as well as the number of establishments and people occupied in family agriculture. The results indicate that the expansion of the Eucalyptus is causing problems such as: income concentration; increase of misery and social injustice; migration; violence; unemployment of rural workers; decline of family agriculture, evidenced by the loss of territory; and reduction of the cultivation of traditional products from the municipalities analysed.Downloads
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