Activities and Forms of Urban Commerce: new consumption spaces in the city of Pau dos Ferros (RN)
Urban commerce, Contemporary urbanization, New centralities, Consumer spaces.Abstract
Studies on urbanization and its impact on the city's space have commerce as an important activity in the analysis of new urban centralities. This study aims to analyze the production of new commercial spaces in the last decade in the city of Pau dos Ferros, located in the west of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To carry out this research, we sought to survey and read texts associated with the theme: origin and forms of commerce; the relationship of globalization in space and in the urban economy; on the production of urban and regional space. We use data on economic sectors extracted from the RAIS/CAGED digital platform, identifying the presence of an urbanization process associated with the diffusion of the tertiary, which projects commerce as an activity that induces the emergence of new consumption spaces in the city. The changes that occur in the space are due to the privileged location and the increased flow of people in the city of Pau dos Ferros, so that an urban growth related to new consumption spaces and other forms of commerce established in the last decade becomes noticeable.Downloads
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