The Land Dispute and The Right to the City: the case of the “Aparecidinha” Occupation in Londrina / PR
Urban Space, Right to the city, Housing Policy, Capitalist production of space, Aparecidinha Occupation, Londrina/PR.Abstract
The concept of the right to the city, as a theoretical reference, is an important tool for claiming, legitimating and resisting platforms through movements and collective social agents, gaining relevant visibility and inspiring theoretical debates in the field of studies on urban space and in the struggles of urban social movements. In this sense, the right to housing is not only part of it, but constitutes a basic and fundamental right. Thus, the present article has the central objective of analyzing the dispute for urban land and the obstacles to the production of the right to the city and housing, having as an empirical and spatial point of view the case of the “Aparecidinha” occupation, in the city of Londrina-PR. Resuming the historical trajectory of the occupation, we seek to identify and understand, at the local level, the power relations between different agents in the production of that space, to analyze the circumstances of realization of social rights and the resistance of non-hegemonic social agents in view of the impositions of the processes reproduction of capital in space. Based on the analyzes carried out, we observe, among other aspects, how the contexts of struggle for access to urban land and the city, as well as the violation of such social rights, based on political and economic determinations and dynamics, are configured. several levels of action, which, gaining different nuances in city spaces, directly interfere in its structure.Downloads
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