Quality Analysis of OpenStreetMap Geospatial Data for Positional Accuracy, Thematic Accuracy and Completeness indicators





Collaborative mapping, OpenStreetMap, Data quality, Data heterogeneity.


Technological advances and web 2.0 have enabled any individual with access to the internet to generate geospatial data on Voluntary Geographic Information platforms. Given the speed with which these data are obtained and the differences regarding the reference mappings present in research from different countries, which has investigated the quality of their features in order to establish viability in integration processes. This work evaluated the quality of features from the OpenStreetMap platform (OSM) through positional accuracy, thematic accuracy and completeness indicators, with the city of Salvador-BA as a study area to obtain the potential in its use. The methodological steps included the selection of the categories: size and arrangement of the samples in the study area, measurement and attributes filtering with repeated information, comparative analysis based on aforementioned indicators, spatialization and results analysis. Through the positional accuracy results it can be said that the scale ranged from 1: 20,000 to 1: 30,000 and in other indicators the main errors sources are associated with the empty fields existence and in the topological structure of linear features differences. The evaluated features are promising for use of this type of data, however studies on the data heterogeneity need to be deepened.


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Author Biographies

Elias Nasr Naim Elias, UFPR

Doctoral student of the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences at UFPR.

Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes, UFBA

PhD in Civil Engineering (UFSC), Cartography area. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, Spatial Information area, at the Federal University of Bahia.


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How to Cite

Elias, E. N. N., & Fernandes, V. de O. (2021). Quality Analysis of OpenStreetMap Geospatial Data for Positional Accuracy, Thematic Accuracy and Completeness indicators. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 30(2), 255–275. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2021v30n2p255


