Socio-Spatial Configuration in the Metropolitan Region of Londrina (RML): an analysis of the socio-occupational structure - 2000 and 2010




Metropolitan region of Londrina, Socio-occupational categories, Socio-spatial structure, Occupied.


This article analyzes the process that resulted in the current socio-spatial configuration of the Metropolitan Region of Londrina-PR (MRL), with the objective of describing and analyzing your pattern of social organization and socio-spatial occupation; It also analyzes the changes and permanencies that occurred on the socio-spatial structure of the region from 2000 to 2010, and the historical organization pattern of its territoriality. The used methodology is the Socio-Occupational Categories - SOCs, developed by the Observatory of the Metropolises (IPPUR/UFRJ), using Occupation data of the Microdata from the Demographic Census (IBGE, 2000, 2010). It was evidenced in the statistical analyzes and in the georeferenced results systematized in the evolution tables of the composition of the socio-spatial structure of the MRL, that the pattern of socio-spatial organization in this region is characterized by the periphery of the low-income population, where workers in the categories that identify the low positions in the social hierarchy, distance themselves from the central area, proportionally to their position in the occupation, in the world of work. This pattern also promoted a dynamic that resulted, for both periods analyzed, in the occupation of the central areas of Londrina, by types that represent the CATs of the positions of higher social hierarchy.


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Author Biographies

Ana Lucia Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual de MarPingá

Associate Professor at UEM. Post Doctorate in Urbanism from FAU / USP, Doctorate in Social Sciences - Sociology.

Olga Lúcia Castreghini de Freitas Firkowski, Federal University of Paraná

Professor, Department of Geography, Federal University of Paraná.

Carla Franciele Höring, Observatório das Metrópoles / UEM

Master in Agronomy, Statistics from the Observatório das Metrópoles / UEM.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, A. L., Firkowski, O. L. C. de F., & Höring, C. F. (2020). Socio-Spatial Configuration in the Metropolitan Region of Londrina (RML): an analysis of the socio-occupational structure - 2000 and 2010. Geografia (Londrina), 30(1), 107–127.


