Stability Aggregates of Oxysols in Seasonal Semideciduos Forests, Paraná, Southern Brazil
Class of aggregates, Clay, Organic carbon.Abstract
The objective of this work was to quantify the stability and correlate the aggregate classes with the values of clay and organic carbon in two oxisols profiles with different textures and located in remaining areas of the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF) in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. The procedures of Salton et al. (2017) were followed considering the Center of the Classes (CMM) and the Weighted Average Diameter (WAP). The Oxisol Medium Texture (LB) presents aggregates with sizes >3 mm in the superficial horizons (A, AB) with a decrease in the size of the aggregates in depth. Oxysol Very Clayey Texture (LV) has predominantly aggregates >3 mm. In both profiles there was a predominance of the macroaggregate class, however, the LB showed an increase in the microaggregates in depth and also the lowest DMP values when compared to the LV. The correlations indicated that in LB, the clay is contributing to the aggregation of microaggregates, while carbon contributes little to macroaggregates. For LV, carbon was correlated with macroaggregates, to the point that clay contributes a little to the aggregation of microaggregates. The results suggest different aggregation dynamics for each soil, possibly due to the textural constitution of each profile.Downloads
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