Toponymies and Space Cultural Questions: Identities in Raposa – MA




Toponymy, Raposa – MA, Space and culture, Identity.


The city of Raposa, located in Maranhão State, has its history linked to fishing and bilro lace, led by the fishermen and the rendeiras, respectively, that migrated from Ceará State, in the 1950’s, to the beach that would be nominated as Raposa Beach in future. This article aims to understand the origin and the meaning of the following toponymic terms Raposa, Chico Noca Square and Braga Harbor, these last two mentioned, old fishermen from Ceará that had Raposa as a new home. For that, it was developed semi-structured interviews with residents and with the Secretary of Culture, thematic maps and bibliographical research. We identified that such identity spaces brought to light the individual and collective memory, being an exercise that rescue the own history of Raposa that is still alive, characterizing the culture and the local identity, reinforcing like this, meanings that refer to the imaginary of Raposa.


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Author Biography

Alex Nunes Silva, State University of Maranhão

Master in Geography from UEMA.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. N. (2020). Toponymies and Space Cultural Questions: Identities in Raposa – MA. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 30(1), 285–303.


