Evaluation of Fitorremediation Potencial of Aquatic Macrophy Potential Salvinia Auriculata in Zinc Absorption and Accumulation


  • Glauco Nonose Negrão State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO
  • Nathan Ulian Souza State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO
  • Mariane Butik State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO




Applied biogeography, Ecology of aquatic environments, Analytical chemistry.


The heavy metals discharge by anthropic activities in water courses is one of the most common sources of toxic contaminants in the environment, with the need to develop techniques capable of pollutants biorremediation with efficiently and sustainable. The objective of this research is to evaluate the bioaccumulation potential of Zinc (Zn) of the aquatic macrophyte Salvinia auriculata. To realization of this article, samples of the aquatic macrophyte were collected in a fragment of mixed ombrophilous forest, in which they were processed in the Hydrology Laboratory of the Geography Department of the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO) at the Cedeteg Campus. Three experiments were carried out with the Zinc Sulfate solution (ZnSO4) to simulate the contamination and identify the absorption potential, and the reading was performed using the AAS - Atomic Absorption Spectrometry technique at the Laboratory of Trace and Instrumentation Analysis Laboratory, linked to the Chemistry Department – UNICENTRO, at the Cedeteg campus. Through the joint analysis of the results obtained in the three experiments, the potential of Salvinia auriculata in bioaccumulative Zn was confirmed, estimating the absorption potential of 3.5 m g/ kg, reaching a maximum index in approximately 48 hours. It was found that Salvinia auriculata showed high sensitivity, being a macrophyte that can be used in the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the contamination of aquatic environments by heavy metals.


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Author Biographies

Glauco Nonose Negrão, State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO

PhD in Health Geography from the State University of Maringá (2013). Adjunct Professor at the State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO.

Nathan Ulian Souza, State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO

Graduating in Geography bachelor's degree - UNICENTRO.

Mariane Butik, State University of the Midwest - UNICENTRO

PhD student in the area of Analytical Chemistry, through the UEL / UEPG / UNICENTRO Broad Association program.


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How to Cite

Negrão, G. N., Souza, N. U., & Butik, M. (2020). Evaluation of Fitorremediation Potencial of Aquatic Macrophy Potential Salvinia Auriculata in Zinc Absorption and Accumulation. Geografia (Londrina), 30(1), 367–385. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2021v30n1p367


