Geodiversity and Rock Art in Municipality Milton Brandão, Northeast of the State of Piauí




Landscape, Geology, Geomorphology, Archeology.


This article aims to understand the relationship between the elements of geodiversity and the main archaeological sites, especially concerning rock paintings, located in the municipality of Milton Brandão, in the state of Piauí. In order to achieve this objective, the characterization of the geological elements was based on data from the Brazilian Geological Service and geomorphological elements. In addition, the configuration of these elements was analyzed regarding the outline of the shapes evidenced in the landscape. Such analysis was associated with the information in the register national archaeological sites of the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN). Through the analysis and association of the data it was possible to infer that geodiversity influenced pre-colonial communities in the choice of areas for the insertion of cave paintings. Mainly in rocky environments that had hollows capable of being used as shelter, and that were close to accessible sources of water resources. Thus, the landscape played a role for the pre-colonial peoples who, according to the evidence, went beyond the mere substrate or receptacle for rock art. In conclusion, the cultural expression of pre-colonial man was performed in a two-way relationship with the elements of geodiversity and, in far-reaching perspective, with the landscape itself.


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Author Biographies

Jefferson Paulo Ribeiro Soares, Federal University of Goiás

Doctoral student of the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Institute of Social and Environmental Studies at the Federal University of Goiás.

Claudia Valeria Lima, Federal University of Goiás

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Institute of Social and Environmental Studies at the Federal University of Goiás.

Francílio de Amorim dos Santos, Federal Institute of Piauí

PhD in Geography and Professor at the Federal Institute of Piauí.


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How to Cite

Soares, J. P. R., Lima, C. V., & Santos, F. de A. dos. (2020). Geodiversity and Rock Art in Municipality Milton Brandão, Northeast of the State of Piauí. Geografia (Londrina), 30(1), 247–263.


