Multitemporal Analysis of the Occupation and Utilization of the Soil in the Ecological Corridor of the Pacoti River (Ceará) in 1985, 2000 and 2015


  • Thatiane Maria Souza de Araújo State University of Ceará - UECE
  • Frederico de Holanda Bastos State University of Ceará - UECE
  • Francisco Davy Braz Rabelo Federal University of Ceará - UFC



Ecological corridor effectiveness, Biological conservation, Spatiotemporal variation.


Studies related to the temporal characterization and occupation of the soil are fundamental for the definition of public policies of territorial planning, allowing to comprehend the dynamics of occupation. Therefore, the objective of this article was to map the forms of utilization and occupation of the Ecological Corridor of the Pacoti River (Ceará) in different years in order to verify its evolution and if it fulfills its connectivity role. The groundcover maps were obtained by the classification of satellite images of the Landsat program, operations 5 and 8, in the respective sensors Thematic Mapper (TM) and Operational Land Imager (OLI), and field surveys. The results showed that there was a significant decrease of the exposed soil from 1985 to 2000 and an increase of vegetation between 1985 and 2015. The maintenance of the ecological corridor has been effective between the years studied, according to the results obtained.


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Author Biographies

Thatiane Maria Souza de Araújo, State University of Ceará - UECE

Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Geography at UECE.

Frederico de Holanda Bastos, State University of Ceará - UECE

He has a PhD in Geography (2012). He is currently an adjunct professor at the State University of Ceará (UECE/CE).

Francisco Davy Braz Rabelo, Federal University of Ceará - UFC

Master in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (2018).


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How to Cite

Araújo, T. M. S. de, Bastos, F. de H., & Rabelo, F. D. B. (2020). Multitemporal Analysis of the Occupation and Utilization of the Soil in the Ecological Corridor of the Pacoti River (Ceará) in 1985, 2000 and 2015. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 29(2), 185–203.


