Capoeira and cultural identity: an effort of analysis based on the narratives of capoeirista masters


  • Elvis Reis de Oliveira PPGG/UFES
  • Ana Lucy Oliveira Freire PPGG/UFES



Capoeira, Culture, Cultural identity.


his article is the result of a master's research that aims to investigate how the capoeira groups located in the city of Vitória - ES, manifest their practice, highlighting aspects that promote the consolidation of cultural identities in the territory in which they are inserted. This research presents as center of study six capoeira’s groups: Barravento, Volta ao mundo, Beribazu, Renascer, Henrança Cultural and Sapeba Capoeira. This article is based on interviews conducted with capoeira masters. We consider this individual as the catalyst for opinions within the group; who, in a limited process of feedback with his disciples, forms and informs the group's ideology. The master exercises the function of reference and, maximum authority, being respected and obeyed. The narratives constructed, through the interviews, were primordial to understand and reflect on the components that integrate the territoriality of capoeira groups, which collaborate for the expansion of this cultural identity. We note that the main component of this process is the values transmitted by the orality and the life experience of the masters, who pass from generation to generation.


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Author Biographies

Elvis Reis de Oliveira, PPGG/UFES

Degree in Geography. Master of the PPGG / UFES.

Ana Lucy Oliveira Freire, PPGG/UFES

She holds a PhD in Geography (Human Geography) from the University of São Paulo (1999). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Permanent Professor of the PPGG / UFES.



How to Cite

Oliveira, E. R. de, & Freire, A. L. O. (2019). Capoeira and cultural identity: an effort of analysis based on the narratives of capoeirista masters. Geografia (Londrina), 28(2), 203–216.


