Determination of soil moisture by Methods Greenhouse and Microwave in different textures of a Red-Yellow Oxissoil in Amazon South


  • Salem Leandro Moura dos Santos Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR
  • Eliomar Pereira da Silva Filho Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR



Gravimery, Calibration, Oxide.


This study aims to evaluate the rate of soil drying between the greenhouse standard and microwaves apparatus of different powers settings with an emphasis on different soil textures and the iron oxides interactions at different microwaves powers settings. The measurement of correlation and significance level of moisture present in 100 grams of samples soils of textures sandy, clay and very clayey was analyzed at a temperature of 105° C during 24 hours, using greenhouse and microwaves ovens with powers settings at 100% the operational efficiency for 5 minutes. In addition, the Red Index of samples was analyzed by iron oxides presence. A Pearson positive correlation dehydration coefficient of R² 0,97; in the samples between greenhouses and microwaves and for clay as well as sandy samples was found, using the average real power of 494.31 . It is concluded that microwaves oven shows a high efficiency to drying soil. However, discrete drying deficiencies in clay soils containing iron oxides were observed, which decrease the drying percentage of the samples analyzed in around 0.69%, due the microwaves dissipation when they reach the oxides present in these soil.


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Author Biographies

Salem Leandro Moura dos Santos, Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR

Doing his doctorate in Geography at the Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR. Geographer at the State Department of Environmental Development of the State of Rondônia. Professor of Geography of primary education at the Municipal Department of Education of Porto Velho - SEMED.

Eliomar Pereira da Silva Filho, Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR

PhD in Geosciences and Environment at the State University of São Paulo. Professor of the Department of Geography - DGEO - Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR.



How to Cite

dos Santos, S. L. M., & da Silva Filho, E. P. (2019). Determination of soil moisture by Methods Greenhouse and Microwave in different textures of a Red-Yellow Oxissoil in Amazon South. Geografia (Londrina), 28(2), 41–60.


