Theoretical and social elements of the landscape in urban areas: a semiotic study in the case of Itapuranga - GO


  • José Elias Pinheiro Neto State University of Góias
  • Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Marins State University of Góias



Landscape, Language, City.


The purpose of this article is to highlight the particularities of a community through a scientific hypothesis using the landscape reading based on semiotics, since it carries a series of symbolic elements that demonstrate the intrinsic characteristics are products of the relations that are social environment. These issues are debated through a literature review that involves thematic and empirical observations in field research, as well as the collection and analysis of photographic images. The results show that, from the reading of the codes and symbols expressed in the social scene, we brought up some assumptions that were constructed during the theoretical discussions, revealing diverse social, political, economic and cultural relations contained in the urban space of Itapuranga. Therefore, this work highlights the relevance of the reading of urban landscapes using an alternative bias in the sense of contextualizing and problematizing the diverse social relations between the different groups within the urban space.


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Author Biographies

José Elias Pinheiro Neto, State University of Góias

Graduation in Letters by the State University of Góias. PhD in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (FFLCH / USP). Professor of the Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program in Language, Literature and Interculturality (POSLLI).

Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Marins, State University of Góias

Graduated in Geography from the State University of Góias, Campus Itapuranga. Specialist in Language, Technology and Teaching at the State University of Góias, Campus Itapuranga.



How to Cite

Pinheiro Neto, J. E., & Marins, C. E. de O. (2019). Theoretical and social elements of the landscape in urban areas: a semiotic study in the case of Itapuranga - GO. Geografia (Londrina), 28(1), 61–80.


