Dynamics of the territory in networks: the arrival of railroad in Ipameri, Goiás


  • Amanda Dias Brandão Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão
  • Mychelle Priscilla de Melo Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão
  • Estevane de Paula Pontes Mendes Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão




Networks, Territory, Railroad, Ipameri (GO).


The integration of a territory in networks raises changes in its dynamics. In view of this fact, this study aims to analyze the establishment of Goiás Railroad in Ipameri and identify the hegemonic groups responsible for its implementation. For the accomplishment of this article, the methodology used was theoretical research and documentary research. In 1913, the connection of Ipameri with Southeastern Brazilian region, through railroad, resulted in its pioneering and urbanization in the face of others municipalities of Goiás. Thus, Ipameri was the first of this state contemplated with electric power, telegraph, Banco do Brasil branch and cinema. However, in the 1950-1980 period, the railroad link between Ipameri and Anápolis became obsolete, due to the greater efficiency of automotive vehicles, occasioning stagnation of Ipameri. Therefore, throughout the XX century, the territorial dynamics of this municipality was articulated with the implementation of rail network.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Dias Brandão, Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão

Student of the Postgraduate Program stricto sensu in Geography, Special Academic Unit of Geography, Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão (UFG / RC).

Mychelle Priscilla de Melo, Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão

Student of the Postgraduate Program stricto sensu in Geography, Special Academic Unit of Geography, Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão (UFG / RC).

Estevane de Paula Pontes Mendes, Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão

PhD in Geography by Universidade Estadual Paulista, Presidente Prudente Campus (2005). Associate Professor at the Federal University of Góias, Regional Catalão, at the Institute of Geography.



How to Cite

Brandão, A. D., Melo, M. P. de, & Mendes, E. de P. P. (2019). Dynamics of the territory in networks: the arrival of railroad in Ipameri, Goiás. Geografia (Londrina), 28(1), 47–60. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2019v28n1p47


