Introducing training of geography’s teachers: the pibid action between spectation and reality


  • Michael Wellington Sene Universidade Estadual Centro-Oeste do Paraná
  • Marquiana de Freitas Vilas Boas Gomes Universidade Estadual Centro-Oeste do Paraná



Introducing teaching, Profissionalidade [degree of professionalism], Collaborative projects.


The teacher profession is complex, because it integrates knowledge production and human relations. These relations imply to the teacher to create a set of strategies that not be restrict only to contribute with the student’s cognitive development, but also, that involve him/her in a network of cultural, social and psychological dimensions specifics of the interaction with the other. Discuss the difficulties and potentialities of the teacher training are necessary, in order to that these professionals are responsible for a big contribution to the education quality improvement. It is, in this context, that this work aims to discuss the teacher training process from collaborative processes between university and school, to analyze the contributions and limits of the introducing training allied to two projects, Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) [Institutional Program of Introduction to Teaching] and to the Novos Talentos [New Talents], both them funded by CAPES (Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel]. In it, is analyzed how the PIBID and the Novos Talentos are being inserted in the teachers geography initial training course of the Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste (UNICENTRO) [State University of the Center West], CEDETEG Campus (Campus do Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico de Guarapuava) [Campus of the Technological Development Center of Guarapuava], that is located in Guarapuava, state of Paraná, Brazil. To this end, the participative research methodology will be used. Some reached results are showed here from the survey make with 4th grade students (PIBID project integrants or not) that are taking major in geography teaching, about the observations made at PIBID and in the implementation of the Novos Talentos, which were possible to analyze the contributions from these programs to the teaching professional training. The research that was made highlighted that both the two programs have been fundamental for the teachers’ introducing continuous training, especially through the change of experiences between university and school.


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Author Biographies

Michael Wellington Sene, Universidade Estadual Centro-Oeste do Paraná

Doctorate in Geography by the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná - UNICENTRO, Brazil.

Marquiana de Freitas Vilas Boas Gomes, Universidade Estadual Centro-Oeste do Paraná

Professor of the Department of Geography and the Graduate Program in Geography of the Universidade Estadual Centro-Oeste do Paraná - UNICENTRO, Brazil.



How to Cite

Sene, M. W., & Gomes, M. de F. V. B. (2017). Introducing training of geography’s teachers: the pibid action between spectation and reality. Geografia (Londrina), 26(1), 118–130.


