Proposal for environmental adequacy of rural properties through geographic information system – GIS


  • Mauro Henrique Soares da Silva Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Nara Rocha Dias Universidade Anhanguera UNIDERP



Conservation, Permanent preservation area, Legal reserve.


The present research aimed at the application of geoprocessing techniques and manipulation of data in a GIS environment for the environmental adequacy of rural property, with the support of free and/or easy acquisition tools. Therefore, the procedures of this research were applied, in an experimental rural property, being then selected the Casa Grande Farm, located in Campo Grande – MS. A mapping of the study area was carried out, based on the survey of the legal protection areas in the property, the identification of degraded areas and a synthesis and proposal of environmental adequacy. The activities were based on the use of images of Google Earth and Landsat 8 satellite, worked through the free software Quantum Gis, as well as data collected in the field. The studied rural property presented irregularities regarding the laws of the new forest code, thus requiring the application of a Term of Commitment of Restoration for the establishment of a Legal Reserve. It will also be necessary to recover erosions in the study area. Therefore, an environmental adequacy plan should be implemented in the study area to minimize the degradation of water resources and other elements of the environment.


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Author Biographies

Mauro Henrique Soares da Silva, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Professor, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul.

Nara Rocha Dias, Universidade Anhanguera UNIDERP

Agronomic Engineer. Universidade Anhanguera UNIDERP.



How to Cite

Silva, M. H. S. da, & Dias, N. R. (2017). Proposal for environmental adequacy of rural properties through geographic information system – GIS. Geografia (Londrina), 26(1), 34–48.


