Sociability and Urban Insecurity in the Small Town of Florestópolis (PR)


  • Pedro Henrique Carnevalli Fernandes Professor of Geography at the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP), Campus Cornélio Procópio - Paraná



Sociability, Urban insecurity, Small Cities.


The human and social condition of life is inserted in the comprehension process of the geographical space. The urban environment became, quickly, the main place of residence of Brazilian population, and, consequently, an unstable and complex field of study, including of small cities. In this article, the objective, the focus is on the small cities and it emphasizes the case of Florestópolis in northern Paraná, especially the sociability and urban insecurity. Although being a specific approach, the presented situation is recurrent, in general context, the small cities all around the world. In general, the Northern region of Paraná is dense in small locations due to their sociospatial formation and economic changes that have occurred in the last decades have changed the roles and meanings of these places, including Florestópolis. This has brought a deep population decline with a great loss of centrality of urban centers. This meaningful loss of goods and services, including the ones related to safety, directly reflects at the contemporary reality. So, there is a change in the sociability and unsafely relations, making the city faces the same problems as the larger centers.


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Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Carnevalli Fernandes, Professor of Geography at the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP), Campus Cornélio Procópio - Paraná

Degree in Geography (Degree and Bachelor). MA in Geography from the State University of Maringa (UEM). Professor of Geography at the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP), Campus Cornélio Procópio - Paraná



How to Cite

Fernandes, P. H. C. (2015). Sociability and Urban Insecurity in the Small Town of Florestópolis (PR). Geografia (Londrina), 23(2), 157–178.


