Environmental Fragility and its Relationship with the River Basin Geomorphological Compartments Santa Gertrudes-MG


  • Natália Cristina Reis de Moraes Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Triangulo Mineiro - IFTM
  • Eugênio Guedes de Oliveira Civil servant at the Court of Minas Gerais.
  • Carlos Alberto Araújo Campos Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro - UFTM.




Environmental Vulnerability, Geomorphic Compartments, Hydrographic Basin.


The aim of this study was to identify, through the geographic information System (GIS), geomorphological magazines Santa Gertrudes River basin in Minas Gerais and propose an array of environmental fragility of land use with management indications. For preparation of this array were raised local information pertaining to geology, geomorphology, soils, vegetation, climate and soil use and occupation, in addition to data handling, preparation of thematic maps in ArcGis ® software version 10.1 and visit the field. The information obtained indicate that there is a predominance of pastures in magazines, residual and averagely dissected, which show average levels of frailty, already the culture, of various grains, is to a lesser proportion in geomorphological compartment. The plateaus are mostly occupied by pastures and to a lesser extent by native vegetation. In the areas of structural breaks that present high levels of weakness, there is presence of erosional features that may have been caused by the removal of the vegetation of the areas of plateaus and extensive livestock farming. It was observed, in visit to field, which uses, in some areas, are not in accordance with the indications of the array of environmental fragility, which reveals the lack of compatibility between current use and the physical limitations of the natural environment. However, it is necessary the use of sustainable management practices, so that natural resources are better used, within the limits of the environment.


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Author Biographies

Natália Cristina Reis de Moraes, Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Triangulo Mineiro - IFTM

Degree in Geography. Post-graduation in Environmental Management - Diagnosis and Environmental Compliance - Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Triangulo Mineiro - IFTM

Eugênio Guedes de Oliveira, Civil servant at the Court of Minas Gerais.

Graduated in Law. Post-Graduate in Environmental Management - Diagnosis and Environmental Compliance - Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Triangulo Mineiro - IFTM. Civil servant at the Court of Minas Gerais.

Carlos Alberto Araújo Campos, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro - UFTM.

Degree in Geography. MA in Geography - Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU. Geography teacher - DEGEO / Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro - UFTM. Laboratory of Geomorphology, Climate and Soil



How to Cite

Reis de Moraes, N. C., Oliveira, E. G. de, & Araújo Campos, C. A. (2022). Environmental Fragility and its Relationship with the River Basin Geomorphological Compartments Santa Gertrudes-MG. Geografia (Londrina), 23(2), 27–47. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2014v23n2p27


