Commercialization Strategies of Pool Tables in the Brazilian Center-South: Analysis of Different Cases


  • Léia Aparecida Veiga Department of Geosciences, State University of Londrina



Pool Table Factories, Consumer Market, Innovation, Market segments.


This article aims to discuss marketing strategies tables for billiards in south-central Brazil, from three studies of different case. For this purpose we used primary sources (interviews and direct observation) and secondary sources. Among the plants that produce tables for billiards intended for sale itself, it was found the use of three strategies which include: the sale of tables for residences, leisure farms, recreational clubs, among others; trade of tables in the European style for a consumer market with greater purchasing power; trade tables and accessories only from the owners of leasing lines. These strategies are used as a way of coping with the competition, in the understanding of this study are reflected in consumer markets segments created by entrepreneurs of this branch. Through these market segments, business owners have increased their profit margin as well as expanding the spatial range of its consumer market.


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Author Biography

Léia Aparecida Veiga, Department of Geosciences, State University of Londrina

Degree in Geography and MA in Geography from the State University of Londrina (UEL), PhD in Geography from the State University of Maringa (UEM).



How to Cite

Veiga, L. A. (2015). Commercialization Strategies of Pool Tables in the Brazilian Center-South: Analysis of Different Cases. Geografia (Londrina), 24(1), 39–54.


