Classification of land cover in the Amazon based on satellite imagery and characterization of the classes according to ground surface


  • Jorge Luis Gavina Pereira Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
  • Camilo Daleles Rennó Engenheiro Agrônomo. Doutor em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE). Pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) - Divisão de Processamento de Imagens (DPI) Avenida dos Astronautas, 1758 - Jardim da Granja 12227-010 - São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil
  • Orlando Tobias Silveira Agrônomo. Doutor em Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia (USP). Pesquisador do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG) - Coordenação de Zoologia (CZO) Avenida Perimetral, 1901 - Terra Firme 66077-830 - Belém - PA - Brasil
  • Leandro Valle Ferreira Biólogo. Doutor em Biologia - Ecologia (INPA). Pesquisador do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG) - Coordenação de Botânica (CBO) Avenida Perimetral, 1901 - Terra Firme 66077-830 - Belém - PA - Brasil



Amazon, Land cove, Image segmentation, Classification by regions, Ggeomorphometric variables.


In this work was made the classification of land cover in an area of Caxiuanã National Forest, Pará State, based on satellite imagery using a supervised approach by regions. It was started with a fit between the means and variances of the bands, followed by application of median filter. Subsequently, it was proceeded to image segmentation by region growing. The next step was to define the classes of coverage and the selection of training samples. Finally, the image classification was done. It was extracted information from elevation and slope to the generated classes. As a result, it was found that in the studied area predominates the Upland Forest - Heterogeneous Canopy class (67.6%), and that together with the Upland Forest - Homogeneous Canopy class (8.3%), occupy the higher areas (?46m). The areas of Upland Forest - Hill (8.0%) and Secondary Vegetation (1.6%) classes are in intermediate altimetric position (?42 m). Finally, the Floodplain Forest class (12.0%) occupies a lower altimetric position (?39m). About 80% of the area is on gently undulating relief. The Upland Forest - Canopy Heterogeneous and Upland Forest - Homogeneous Canopy classes differ in slope terms but not in elevation terms. It is believed that phytosociological studies (structure and/or floristic) showing differences between these classes.

Author Biography

Jorge Luis Gavina Pereira, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi

Geógrafo formado pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1992). Tem mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (1996). Atualmente é pesquisador do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG). Colabora ainda como revisor dos seguintes periódicos: Revista Ambiente & Água; Revista Árvore. Tem experiência na área de Geociências com ênfase em Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento Remoto. Em suas pesquisas aborda temas como: dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra na Amazônia; caracterização e quantificação de elementos da paisagem; subsídios à criação de unidades de conservação. Atua também na área acadêmica ministrando as disciplinas Introdução ao Geoprocessamento e Bancos de Dados Geográficos.



How to Cite

Pereira, J. L. G., Rennó, C. D., Silveira, O. T., & Ferreira, L. V. (2013). Classification of land cover in the Amazon based on satellite imagery and characterization of the classes according to ground surface. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 21(3), 115–131.


