Tragedy and the chaos of modernity: aspects of the tragic genre in the work of Nelson Rodrigues




Tragedy, Chaos, Nelson Rodrigues, Vestido de Noiva


This article presents a reflection on the characteristics of the tragedy that remain constant over the trajectory of the genre, as well as the implications of their stay within the Christian conceptual universe and socio-historical reality of modernity. From the reading of Vestido de Noiva, work of 1943, it examines how Nelson Rodrigues links his work to the occidental tradition of Christian tragedy, recreating it from the observation of bourgeois society in twentieth century, revealing that the Chaos, an essential tragic component, consistently remains in the modernity.


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How to Cite

Lima, D. M. de. (2011). Tragedy and the chaos of modernity: aspects of the tragic genre in the work of Nelson Rodrigues. Estação Literária, 7, 80–92.



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