Prison songs: commented translation of a chain gang work song from the “consequent relativism” concept




Work songs, Chain gangs, Translation, Consequent relativism.


The translation I present of “Black Woman” – chain gang work song – aims at discussing the universalist and relativist language concepts as relevant aspects for the literary translation. My starting point will be Barbara Cassin’s book Éloge de la traduction: compliquer l’universel, from 2016, in which the author presents the concept of “consequent relativism”, proposing “making (more) complex” the thing that is perceived as “universal” in the language. Because I’m particularly dealing here with the translation of oral literature, more specifically an oral literature comprised by a hybrid form that is the song, I cannot avoid surrounding the subject by a brief discussion about the concept of performance and its implications in the translation practice.


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Author Biography

Fernando Villatore, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

PhD student in Literary Studies, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Paraná, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Villatore, F. (2022). Prison songs: commented translation of a chain gang work song from the “consequent relativism” concept. Estação Literária, 28, 145–165.



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