Describing the City: Physical Presence and Autobiographical Writing in Georges Perec's Project Lieux




Autobiography, Description, Places, Physical presence


The text intends to present an autobiographical project developed by French writer Georges Perec (1936-1982), in which his physical presence was a decisive factor to observe and describe different places in Paris. Perec, while walking through the city or sitting in a café, creates an oblique autobiography, from the observation of the other and the surroundings: his present body becomes a character in these narratives and descriptions, since it is inserted in this series of facts and events that will be motivators for the reconstruction of memory, both personal and belonging to a large part of his generation.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Barbosa Cavalari, Universidade de São Paulo

PhD in Literary Studies in French, in the Foreign Languages and Translation Program at FFLCH-USP


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How to Cite

Cavalari, T. B. (2020). Describing the City: Physical Presence and Autobiographical Writing in Georges Perec’s Project Lieux. Estação Literária, 25, 194–209.



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