Black Marias and daughters of oxum: the body of experiences and religiosity in the poem "Meu rosário" by conceição Evaristo




Black-brazilian literature, Poetry by women, Conceição Evaristo.


This analysis suggests reflection on memory and Brazilian religiosity from the poem "Meu rosário", which integrates the work Poemas da Recordação e Outros Movimentos (2008), by Conceição Evaristo, highlighting the images and metaphors that overflow in the aesthetic configurations of the poem. Thus, based on theoretical studies by Octávio Paz (2012), Cuti (2010) and Evaristo (2009), we aim to glimpse the relations of the lyrical self with its black female body, sensitive to the writing of the poet, bringing history moved by the sensations and emotions of the lyrical self and valuing the broad spectrum of black-brazilian identity through lyricism.



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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Braz, Universidade Estadual do Paraná/Unespar

Undergraduate student of English/Portuguese at the Universidade Estadual do Paraná - UNESPAR/ Campo Mourão.

Wilma dos Santos Coqueiro, Universidade Estadual do Paraná/Unespar

PhD in Letters from the  Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Professor at Universidade Estadual do Paraná / Unespar


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How to Cite

Braz, P. H., & Coqueiro, W. dos S. (2020). Black Marias and daughters of oxum: the body of experiences and religiosity in the poem "Meu rosário" by conceição Evaristo. Estação Literária, 25, 44–55.



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