A journey between portraits and mirrors: Metaphors of the aging body





Female aging, Metaphor, Portrait, Mirror.


Analysis of metaphors created by the poet Astrid Cabral to reflect on the female body and old age, in which the portrait and the mirror express the anguish of the aging body. The theoretical basis relies on texts by Lakoff and Johnson (2002), Cançado (2012) and Ferrari (2011) on conceptual metaphor; and writings by Mucida (2014), Xavier (2007), Fernandes (2009), Daniel, Simões and Monteiro (2002) on the contingencies of female aging. The study seeks to show that metaphor is a productive mechanism for understanding reality, especially regarding the stigmas of aging, almost always painful for women.



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Author Biographies

Carlos Antônio Magalhães Guedelha, Universidade Federal do Amazonas/ UFAM

PhD in Linguistics from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina  -UFSC. Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM.

Jozilena Farias dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Undergraduate student in Literature at the School of Literature at Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM.


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XAVIER, Elódia. Que corpo é esse? O corpo no imaginário feminino. Florianópolis: Ed. Mulheres, 2007.

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How to Cite

Guedelha, C. A. M., & Santos, J. F. dos. (2020). A journey between portraits and mirrors: Metaphors of the aging body. Estação Literária, 25, 70–87. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2020v25.e40118



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