An India for Westerners? The diasporic poetology of Salman Rushdie and Deepa Metha in Midnight's Children




Adaptation, Midnight's Children, Western audience.


This paper examines Deepa Mehta's film Midnight's Children, drawing from the theories of Patrick Cattrysse's (2014) descriptive adaptation studies and André Lefevere's (2007) notion of poetology. We seek to understand, through the approach of the first theorist, how film analysis should take into consideration the target context of the adaptation of a work; we draw on the second theorist to examine the poetology of the creators; finally, we examine how the concept of Orientalism in art can also be produced by non-Westerners, and the implications of this phenomenon for literature and film.


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Author Biographies

Manfred Rommel Mourão, Universidade Federal do Ceará-UFC

PhD candidate in Languages at Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC.

Roseli Barros Cunha, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Teacher of Spanish at the Department of Foreign Languages, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG/PósLitAn


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How to Cite

Mourão, M. R., & Cunha, R. B. (2020). An India for Westerners? The diasporic poetology of Salman Rushdie and Deepa Metha in Midnight’s Children. Estação Literária, 24, 48–64.



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