Aspects of loneliness and metalanguage in Eunice Arruda's poetry




Eunice Arruda, Contemporary Brazilian poetry, Solitude, Metalanguage


Eunice Arruda, a poet born in the countryside of São Paulo who had her first work published in 1960, has a close bond with concise poetry that at times reflects the describable character of poetic language, at times exposes loneliness in a larger sense, existential loneliness. One way or another, the poet scrutinizes the movements of the surrounding life, filtered through her sensitive and attentive gaze. This article intends to delineate, through these aspects, the presence of Eunice Arruda in the contemporary Brazilian poetry scene.

Author Biography

Alexandre de Melo Andrade, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

PhD in Literature/Literary Studies from UNESP


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How to Cite

Andrade, A. de M. (2020). Aspects of loneliness and metalanguage in Eunice Arruda’s poetry. Estação Literária, 24, 192–203.



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