Politics of fiction, memory and the imaginary: a reading of the Rwandan tragedy in Michel Laub's The Poisoned Apple and Alfredo Jaar's art installation, Untitled (newsweek)


  • Felicio Laurindo Dias UNICAMP




Literature, Theory, Politics, Fiction.


This essay aims to discuss the political role of artistic and fictional articulations in the resignification of the Rwandan genocide in The poisoned apple (2013), by the Rio Grande do Sul author Michel Laub, and in dialogue with the project Untitled (newsweek), by the Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar (1994). With this, we will establish a de-fronteirized look that seeks the consonance between theory, fiction, and politics in order to broaden the theoretical scope in the interpretation of discursive practices within literary and cultural studies.

Author Biography

Felicio Laurindo Dias, UNICAMP

PhD in Theory and Literary History from UNICAMP.


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How to Cite

Dias, F. L. (2019). Politics of fiction, memory and the imaginary: a reading of the Rwandan tragedy in Michel Laub’s The Poisoned Apple and Alfredo Jaar’s art installation, Untitled (newsweek). Estação Literária, 23, 36–48. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2019v23.e35725



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