The biblical parody of existential freedom in A paixão segundo G. H., by Clarice Lispector




Intertextuality, Bible, Existentialism, Freedom.


The article analyzes the intertextual relations between Clarice Lispector's novel and the Bible. The theme of existential freedom emerges as G. H.'s dilemma arises when he is faced with the situation of having to ingest or not the cockroach he has killed. From this perspective, the work explores analogous situations in which the cockroach functions as a parodied symbol of the forbidden fruit of paradise. Thus, G. H. chooses to break with the moral prescriptions that classify the insect as forbidden and unclean food, and when she ingests the insect, she makes a revelation in her inner self. The article also dialogues with references that discuss intertextuality and existentialism.



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Author Biography

Rafael Magno de Paula Costa, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

PhD student in Literature at UEL.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. M. de P. (2019). The biblical parody of existential freedom in A paixão segundo G. H., by Clarice Lispector. Estação Literária, 23, 223–234.



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