Animal ethics and the identities construction in "Bicho", by Caetano Veloso




Caetano Veloso, Bicho, Identities construction, Animal ethics


The present paper aims to analyze the album Bicho, by Caetano Veloso, released in 1977, from the angle of Animal Ethics, by Peter Singer (2004) and Sônia Felipe (2007). It will begin with a brief look at the author's style in order to analyze the concept of the album, presenting the ethical stance that comprises from the information contained in the album's cover to the lyrics themes. We will focus mainly on the following songs: “O leãozinho” e “Tigresa”, with the purpose of discussing the identities construction of the beings which the narrative is about, a process that takes place through the homogeneous mixture of humans and animals.


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Author Biographies

Diego Luiz Miiller Fascina, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Doctoral Student in Arts at the Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Evely Vânia Libanori, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

PhD in Letters from the Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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FELIPE, Sônia T. Ética e experimentação animal: fundamentos abolicionistas. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2007.

LIBANORI, Evely Vânia; JARDIM, Maiara Usai. Ética animal em Clarice Lispector. In: LIBANORI, Evely Vânia; BRAGA, Elda Firmo; DIOGO, Rita Miranda (orgs). Representação animal na literatura. Rio de Janeiro: Oficina da leitura, 2015.

SINGER, Peter. Libertação animal. Tradução: Marly Winckler. Porto Alegre, São Paulo: Lugano, 2004.

VELOSO, Caetano. Verdade tropical. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008.

VELOSO, Caetano. Bicho. Phillips, 1977. (reedição de 2006)

WISNIK, Guilherme. Caetano Veloso. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2005.



How to Cite

Fascina, D. L. M., & Libanori, E. V. (2016). Animal ethics and the identities construction in "Bicho", by Caetano Veloso. Estação Literária, 17, 194–204.



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