The spectrum of the beast in man in My uncle the jaguar by Guimarães Rosa


  • Geisy Nunes Adriano Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP



Guimarães Rosa, Humanity and animality, Alterity


In man’s relationship with the world, the animal has always inhabited the innermost circle to man, appearing in the form of meat and hide as well as under the magic mantle. Animal imageries have pervaded primitive and modern times and the animal, as one of man’s first metaphors, is a recurrent theme in the history of representations. Within this context, the prism of literature dissects and displays the spectrum of the beast in man. Given the fact that the literature draws on an analogical reasoning in the relationship between humans and animals, this research analyzes the representations of animals in the short-story "My Uncle the Iauaretê" by Guimarães Rosa, from the dialogue with literary and philosophical productions, having as theoretical basis the studies of Agamben (2002), Bataille (1993), Deleuze; Guattari (2012), Derrida (2002), Maciel (2008; 2011), among others.


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Author Biography

Geisy Nunes Adriano, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP

Master's student in Literature by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Adriano, G. N. (2016). The spectrum of the beast in man in My uncle the jaguar by Guimarães Rosa. Estação Literária, 17, 148–161.



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