Biopolitics of interpretation


  • Julieta Yelin Universidade Nacional de Rosário



Literature, Life, Interpretation, Biopolitics, Biopoetics


This paper proposes to examine the theoretical potential of the dialogues starting to take place between literary criticism and biopolitical thought, taking a reconsideration of the concept of interpretation as the axis of analysis. To do that, we analyze the turn made by Michel Foucault’s thought at the beginning of the 1970s, moment in which the notion of life begins to occupy a central place, putting in the background the study of literature as a specific discipline. From this transformation, a particular way of approaching creations – literary and artistic in general – can be derived, and defined as a biopolitics of interpretation.


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Author Biography

Julieta Yelin, Universidade Nacional de Rosário

Doutora in Humanities with a mention in Literature from the Universidade Nacional de Rosário


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How to Cite

Yelin, J. (2016). Biopolitics of interpretation. Estação Literária, 17, 28–39.



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