Language and matter: when montage divides and unites




Language, representation, Nuno Ramos, Magritte.


This paper aims to make a critical comparative analysis between Magritte's work, La trahison des images (1929), and some of Nuno Ramos's works of fine arts, especially those which bring together different expressive media (plastic and verbal), such as Breu (1990), Vidrotexto 1 (1991), Vidrotexto 3 (1991). The comparison of the works will be made based on the analysis of issues related to the philosophy of language, among them: the discrepancy between language and matter, the insufficiency of language as a means of representation, and the complementarity or opposition of the supports used in the new artistic processes at play.


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Author Biography

Irma Caputo, PUC- Rio de Janeiro

PhD student in Language, Meaning and Translation at PUC - Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Caputo, I. (2018). Language and matter: when montage divides and unites. Estação Literária, 22, 148–163.