The war dramaturgies of Sony Labou Tansi and Gustave Akakpo




Contemporary African theater, French-speaking African theater, Sony Labou Tansi, Gustave Akakpo.


This paper provides a reading of two plays of the contemporary African theater of French expression: <i>La Paranthèse de sang</i> by the Congolese author Sony Labou Tansi of 1981 and <i>La mère trop tôt</i> by the Togolese Gustave Akakpo of 2004. The analysis focuses mainly on three points: the writing of the pieces, their military characters and the way the authors characterize war.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Eduardo Rocha Morais, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

PhD in Literature from the Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Maria da Glória Magalhães dos Reis, Universidade de Brasília - UnB.

Doutorado em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP


AKAKPO, Gustave. La mère trop tôt. [s. l] : Lansman, 2004.

CHALAYE, Sylvie. Afrique Noire et Dramaturgies Contemporaines : Le syndrome Frankenstein. Paris : Éditions THÉÂTRALES, 2004. (Passages Francophones)

MAZRUI, Ali Al'Amin (Ed.). África desde 1935. Brasília: UNESCO; Ministério da Educação, 2010. (História geral da África ; 8)

PAREKH, Pushpa N; JAGNE, Siga. Postcolonial African Writers: a bio-bibliographical critical sourcebook. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.

TANSI, Sony Labou. La Paranthèse de sang. Tours: Éditions Hatier International, 2002.

THOMAS, Dominic. Nation-building, Propaganda and Literature in Francophone Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.

THOMAS, Dominic. African Drama and Performance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004.



How to Cite

Morais, J. E. R., & Reis, M. da G. M. dos. (2018). The war dramaturgies of Sony Labou Tansi and Gustave Akakpo. Estação Literária, 21, 129–140.