A brief introduction about time setup in playwriting





Dramaturgy, Enunciation, Semiotics, Time.


This article analyzes Harold Pinter's play Night (1969) from the semiotic (Greimasian) point of view and the enunciation concept, with emphasis on the time setup. Pinter's text presents a couple who remember the night they met -confronting through dialogue the different versions that each build for themselves. In conversation with the studies of the category of time in the enunciation of José Luiz Fiorin in As Astúcias da Enunciação (2016), I propose an analysis of the British playwright's text, investigating how the enunciator evokes time throughout the narrative. Finally I present a brief reflection on the present in modern and contemporary dramaturgy.


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Author Biography

André Felipe Costa Silva, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

PhD candidate in Scenic Arts at the Universidade de São Paulo - USP


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How to Cite

Silva, A. F. C. (2018). A brief introduction about time setup in playwriting. Estação Literária, 21, 26–36. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2018v21.e33126