From social deathe to the day when Quincas Berro Dágua went to Iemanjá's home and never came back




Myth, Deaths, Jorge Amado, Candomblé tradition.


This text analyzes the deaths of the protagonist of the novel A morte e a morte de Quincas Berro Dágua, by Jorge Amado, such as: the social - when the character leaves the family and starts living on the streets in drunkenness, isolated and forgotten by the family and society; the physics - it deals with natural death when the physiological and neurological functions of the body no longer work; and the mythical - the most controversial since it happens after the announcement of the physical death in which myths of candomblé are represented. It is concluded that the deaths represent both denunciation and criticism of society, as well as the materialization of afro-brazilian myths


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Author Biographies

Jares Gomes Lima, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo

PhD student in Linguistic Studies at the Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo.

Fernando Reis de Sena, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Master's candidate in Languages at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz


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How to Cite

Lima, J. G., & Sena, F. R. de. (2017). From social deathe to the day when Quincas Berro Dágua went to Iemanjá’s home and never came back. Estação Literária, 20, 231–243.



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