Linn da quebrada and criança virada: a reading of the present art based on Deleuze-Guatarian philosophy
Contemporary Art, Contemporary Philosophy, Deleuze and GuattariAbstract
In this article, we intend to present a critical reading, relating literatura, arts and philosophy, having two present artistic manifestations: the song Mulher (2017) by Linn da Quebrada, and a painting that composes the project Criança Viada (2013), by Bia Leite, which was exposed by the Santander Bank, in Porto Alegre, at the art exhibition of the Queer Museum: cartographies of difference in Brazilian art (2017). In our analyzes, we related the representations of the corpo trava the body of the criança viada which appear in the selected texts referring the notions of rhizome and the body without organs based on the theoretical background of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, categorized as Contemporary philosophers.Downloads
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