When the girl is from beyond: phenomenology, tensivity e semiotics in Guimarães Rosa





Semiotics, Guimarães Rosa, Phenomenology, Tensivity.


The study aims to verify how death, considered a borderline moment for human existence in the Western context, turns out a kind of “enchantment” in the Rosa’s narrative. In order to understand the tensions that permeate the field of presence from subject that faces the finitude, we present an analysis using the studies of Zilberberg's, called tensive semiotics, which conciliates many of the contributions of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology along with the postulates of a structuralist semiotic of Greimas. We believe that we can better understand the Guimarães Rosa’s if we consider the sensitive contents of the meaning process.

Author Biography

Letícia Moraes Lima, Universidade de São Paulo -USP

PhD student at the Department of Linguistics at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


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How to Cite

Lima, L. M. (2017). When the girl is from beyond: phenomenology, tensivity e semiotics in Guimarães Rosa. Estação Literária, 20, 70–84. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2017v20.e30917



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