Representation of the female personage in the fairy tales from Marina Colasanti




Fairy tales, Female personage, Reading, Marina Colasanti


This article analyzes the representation of the female personage in Marina Colasanti’s fairy tales, A moça tecelã, Entre a espada e a rosa and Um espinho de marfim, de Marina Colasanti. The analysis of Colasanti’s production shows differences and similarities in the composition of her narratives as well as in the representation of the female personages, when compared with the fairy tales of the precursors of the genre. We concluded that the author renews the fairy tales and approaches the receptor to these narratives due to the human dilemmas represented on the texts and her ability to compose the language.

Author Biographies

Camila Mariana Schuch, Universidade Feevale

BA in Languages from Universidade Feevale

Juracy I. A. Saraiva, Universidade Feevale

Teacher  in the Graduate Program in Cultural Processes and Manifestations at Universidade Feevale


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How to Cite

Schuch, C. M., & Saraiva, J. I. A. (2017). Representation of the female personage in the fairy tales from Marina Colasanti. Estação Literária, 19, 160–172.



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