To find content in whats is only form: essay about the presence of the word in the visual work of Nuno Ramos




Form, Nuno Ramos, Contemporary art.


Essay on the appearances of world as language and as image in the work of contemporary Brazilian artist Nuno Ramos, in view of the acoustic, sculptural and combinatorial uses that the artist makes, both in his visual works as in his literary works. Notions such as shape, inform, matter and Stimmung are worked critically and engender a comparative outlook of theoretical thoughts of Giorgio Agamben, Georges Didi-Huberman and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, that underlie this article. It is the aim of the study see how the always of the unpredictable presence of the word in the work of Ramos corresponds to changes in the actual status of genres and in the idea of an artistic vocation.


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Author Biography

Carolina Anglada, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

PhD student in Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG


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How to Cite

Anglada, C. (2017). To find content in whats is only form: essay about the presence of the word in the visual work of Nuno Ramos. Estação Literária, 19, 9–23.



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