Balzac and <i>Les Femmes Supérieures: the portrayal of the woman writer in Béatrix
Genius, Portrayal of the woman writer, Béatrix, BalzacAbstract
Recurrent in The human comedy, the portrayal of the man of letters as society’s guide and judge (Bénichou 1973) is precious to Balzac, who was fascinated by the imagery of the romantic genius. It is the scope of this paper to analyze the representation of the woman writer in the novel Béatrix (1839), problematizing the creditworthiness granted to her and the way the women’s position in the patriarchal and bourgeois society is signified in the story. The study will investigate the narrative’s political and parodic meanings (Langle 2000), observing the irony addressed to the oscillation of values in the French society at the beginning of the 19th century, a period of social and political instability.Downloads
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